Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gettin' old...

I turned 40 last October.

I now have 3 gray hairs and need reading glasses. 

You'd think the gray hair would be easy to cover up, but when I tried to dye my hair the same shade of basic brown to hide it, my hair turned red.  So I tried a darker color.  It was dark for a day, then turned red.  So I bought special "color-safe" shampoo and conditioner and tried again.  It turned red.  I went to my hair stylist.  It washed out.  And turned red.  So now I'm stuck as a redhead.  I'll try again, but I want to give my hair a break.  Meanwhile, I have a nice brown skunk stripe at my root line.

My DH has been bugging me to go to the optometrist since I went last time...three years ago.  I really hate going there because as we speak, my eyes burn just a bit everytime I blink.  Those yellow drops are a really good nap deterent because no way would I lay down for a little shut eye right now (and trust me, its the perfect cold and rainy day for that). 

So three years ago, I was border-line if I needed reading glasses to I opted not to get them.  Now, I can tell a difference as I move my book a little further from my face when I read and have begrudgingly decided to get them...for READING ONLY.  I was offered bifocals so I could just wear them all the time, uh, no thanks.  Not that there's anything wrong with glasses...but its a reminder that I'm getting older. 

The glasses I picked out are kinda cute, though. 

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